List of all member institutions
The Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW) of the University of Stuttgart was founded in 1986 and contributes to the progress of laser technologies for materials processing with outstanding research and training.
The main activities are currently devoted to selected topics in the fields of laser beam sources (especially the thin-disk laser), optical elements and components for beam delivery and beam shaping, system engineering for laser-based manufacturing, as well as fundamental investigations on the light-matter interaction with the subsequent process development of macro and micro applications for industrial manufacturing.
Associated ESRs:
The Institute of Applied Optics (ITO) was founded in 1960. Research foci over the decades are optical metrology and optics simulation and design. Since the 1980s computer generated diffractive structures are designed, made and investigated at ITO for metrology, sensing, micromanipulation and laser beam and polarization shaping.
Associated ESR:
The Hubert Curien laboratory is a joint research unit (UMR 5516 ) of the Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne, the National Research Centre « CNRS » and the Institut d’Optique Graduate School. It is composed of about 90 researchers, professors and assistant professors, 20 engineers and administrative staff and 130 PhD and post-PhD students. Its research activities are organized according to two scientific departments: Optics, photonics and microwave and Computer science, telecom and image. The research activity is structured into scientific projects within 6 main teams: Micro/Nano structuring, Radiation-matter Interaction, Image Science & computer vision, Data Intelligence, Connected Intelligence and Secure Embedded Systems & Hardware Architetctures. »
Associated ESR:

Formed in 1989 as an interdisciplinary research centre, the Optoelectronics Research Centre is one of the world’s leading institutes for photonics research with a vibrant community of PhD students and researchers, led by some of the leading figures in the field of photonics, making key contributions to the photonics industry, including the optical telecommunication technology, medicine, biosciences sensing, security and manufacturing.
Associated ESRs:
The Department of Physics and Mathematics continues the strong tradition in Physics and Mathematics research and education developed almost 50 years ago in the former University of Joensuu, now University of Eastern Finland. The operation of the department is based on three main areas: Mathematics, Photonics, and Physics and mathematics teacher education with about 80 people working in the department, including 11 professors.
Associated ESRs:
AMO GmbH is a German high-tech company that acts as a research- and fabrication-service provider in the field of nanotechnology since more than 20 years. We offer research and fabrication services, from proof-of-concept demonstrators to final technological solutions. The main part of the nanotechnology lab is devoted to the application of advanced nanolithography techniques (UV- Nanoimprint, E-Beam lithography, Interference Lithography), and it is embedded within a highly flexible CMOS-Environment.
Associated ESR:
Coherent | DILAS manufactures high-power diode laser components and systems in a wide range of output powers and wavelengths. Products range from single bar components and multi-bar sub-assemblies to high brightness, fiber-coupled diode laser modules and complete turn-key high power diode laser systems.
Associated ESR:
Knowledge in rare earth doped fibers, combined with the use of optical fibers or nonlinear crystals, is utilized for the development of laser sources operating at various wavelengths. ALPhANOV has acquired a unique expertise in integrated optics and micro-optics in free space for the realization of very compact laser heads that add functions to power lasers.
Associated ESR:
The Laboratory Ondes and Matter of Aquitaine, LOMA, is attached to the CNRS and the University of Bordeaux. Its research activities are aimed at exploring and characterizing the physical properties of matter from the fundamental and applied, theoretical and experimental points of view.
Associated ESR:
Fibercryst manufactures industrial femtosecond lasers based on a unique proprietary technology, the Taranis modules. Thanks to this technology, Fibercryst products exhibit high average power, high pulse energy, remarquable flexibility and outstanding reliability.
TRUMPF was founded in 1923 as a series of mechanical workshops, and has since developed into one of the world’s leading companies for machine tools, laser technology and electronics for industrial applications.
MODUS Research and Innovation is a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation established with the objective of assisting universities, companies and other organisations to secure European and National Research Funding, such as Horizon 2020 and Innovate UK.
RWTH Aachen University or Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen is a research university located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with more than 42,000 students enrolled in 144 study programs. Topics include sustainable synthetic fuels, data mining, computational science, production technology, high-performance materials, health, renewable resources and mobility.
NOVAE was founded in 2013 in Limoges, France by the inventors (CORIA, Xlim and CNRS) of a disruptive laser architecture design and photonics industry entrepreneurs.